Friday, March 25, 2011

Oh, I will love you forever and ever.

Learn this, nothing’s forever. Not that wad of money you’re holding, not that goddamn over-priced purse you carry, not that make-up covered pretty face, not your friends, nor your lover. No, nothing’s forever. All that will rot to dust and disappear, cover with wrinkles to be consumed by insects, to betray you and forget you. So, learn this, nothing is forever don’t waste your joyousness on anything or anyone. In the end, few of you are fortunate to have yourselves, if barely. The rest of you have no one, not yourselves because you will betray yourself. You will give yourself to the rest of society. Force yourself to be anything other than yourself. Sink yourself into a shallow nothingness. There is no one. So, take that fleeting piece of happiness and satisfaction and smother it before it learns you, knows you, and slaughters you.

Monday, October 4, 2010


Some days I wonder what I am. Am I alive? am I dead? Some days I wonder what life has made me. What the people in this life had made me. I see myself and wonder where am I? Not here. I’ve crawled under my bed and hid away in my closet. I’m my own bogeyman come to haunt me every night when I am alone.

shit-stained mirrors.

Don’t you hate those days where you wake and hate everything you see? You look at yourself in the mirror and begin to pick yourself apart until there is nothing left to love. You remember all the shit you’ve been through, you remember all the hurt and the pain and wonder what for? What did you survive them for?